Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ATC Trading Card Envelope -George

I am running out of Ideas for envelopes... but now we all have one for about everything, except fo the Purse card that I need to get sent to my sister for her birthday. I am going to have to figure something out for it too. hmmm...
Anyhow.. was blog hopping again, and found a site with ATC trading cards, then went to another site, Mirkwood designs... looked at the template that they had and created it in Design Studio using the George Cartridge... Sorry... I think that I am stuck on George... you will still have to cut it out using an expressions, as it goes beyond the lines for the baby Cricut. It took 4 tries to get it big enough.
Here is the link:

But hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.

Hugs and God Bless


Ramona said...

This is really sweet thanks

mommyto3bugs said...

What a neat little envelope! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

This looks like a great little envelope. Thanks!! I will be interested in the purse style you talked about. It sounds really cute.

Snatertje said...

wow this is a great way to send out ATC's, thanks so mutch for sharing this file.

hug Linda

Kay said...

Dana, Thank you so much for making your files available to us! You are so sweet to share with those of us who are design challenged.


Tazmadazz said...

Thank you for sharing your files!!